Introducing an AI chatbot for websites utilizing RAG technology(※) to maximize performance in support, nurture potential customers, engage with users, etc.

※ About RAG Technology (Retrieval Augmented Generation)

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique aimed at enhancing the accuracy and reliability of AI generative models by incorporating information retrieved from external sources. RAG combines information retrieval (Retrieval) with a text generation model (Generation). In other words, it fills the gaps in the operation of Large Language Models (LLMs).

dxGAI Chatbot
for website



dxGAI Chatbot Introduction



dxGAI Chatbot

Are you currently experiencing issues like this?

Creating Q&A and FAQs demands considerable time and effort, and you aim to minimize expenses linked to customer support.

Striving to automate customer engagement for increased conversion rates.

Customizing your internal operating tools.

Desiring to employ AI-generated responses for creating responsive customer Chatbots, but concerned about the quality of the answers.

Integrating company and product-related documents to enhance the quality of customer feedback on Chatbot.

dxGAI Chatbot addresses all the above issues!

Your internal data is integrated and utilized to train the website chatbot through dxGAI Chatbot

Integration of internal data

Customize dxGAI Chatbot interface

Easy integration into websites

Diverse tools and platforms

Performance management

Transform the chatbot to reflect your brand identity by adjusting colors, logos, content, etc.

dxGAI Chatbot addresses all the above issues!

Integration of internal data

Customize dxGAI Chatbot interface

Easy integration into websites

Diverse tools and platforms

Performance management

Add the chat widget to any website with a simple embed code.

dxGAI Chatbot addresses all the above issues!

Integration of internal data

Customize dxGAI Chatbot interface

Easy integration into websites

Diverse tools and platforms

Performance management

dxGAI Chatbot addresses all the above issues!

Connect your chatbot to tools within your business such as Slack, Notion, WhatsApp, Zapier, etc.

Integration of internal data

Customize dxGAI Chatbot interface

Easy integration into websites

Diverse tools and platforms

Performance management

dxGAI Chatbot addresses all the above issues!

Utilize learned data and historical interaction information with customers and internal sources, along with feedback from operators across platforms. The chatbot will automatically update to improve response time and accuracy.

Integration of internal data

Customize dxGAI Chatbot interface

Easy integration into websites

Diverse tools and platforms

Performance management

Accurate responses & Boost feedback performance to 95%

Build a personalized chatbot specifically for your company by seamlessly integrating internal data with ease and absolute security.


No-code AI, quick integration & utilization

Advanced Analytics

Systematizing data and reporting on the detailed interactions between the chatbot and customers will enhance the efficiency of the chatbot.

Diverse data sources

Upload data from various sources and formats (doc, excel, html, pdf, image, etc.) to train your chatbot

Personalized customization

Customize the chatbot interface to align with your brand identity and website design.


Remove the dxGAI brand and use a custom domain.

Privacy & Security

Data is securely stored through robustly encrypted servers and access controls, ensuring utmost privacy and security.

Continuous and Automated Training

Set the chatbot in automatic training mode and conduct ongoing training to ensure the chatbot learns from data as soon as new updates are available.


Connect your chatbot to tools within your business such as Slack, Notion, WhatsApp, Zapier, etc.

Powerful AI Models

Integration from various AI models, including GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4.

Responsive in over 80 languages

Engage with your customers in their native language, even if your data is in a different language.

Lead Generation Tool

Collect potential customer data and provide personalized experiences throughout the customer journey with the Customer Journey Map.

Accurate and reliable responses

The system will provide answers based on the given information, avoiding 'AI hallucination' for trustworthy responses. Additionally, with features like 'Answer Correction,' you can contribute additional knowledge to the chatbot for more challenging questions.

Edit answer

Would you like to edit the answer?


Lead Generation Tool

Collect potential customer data and provide personalized experiences throughout the customer journey with the 'Customer Journey Map

Multi-platform Chatbot

Allows the chatbot to access external data sources, such as weather, latest news, etc., to provide more relevant recommendations.

Customize dxGAI Chatbot interface

Transform the chatbot to reflect your brand identity by adjusting colors, logos, content, etc.

Customer Support

The chatbot quickly understands requests and provides responses based on reliable internal company data. This helps enhance the efficiency of the customer support department and delivers more value.

Accurate responses & Boost feedback performance to 95%

Build a personalized chatbot specifically for your company by seamlessly integrating internal data with ease and absolute security.


Miichisoft Japan

1-14-14 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0063

(+81) 3-6555-3368

5th floor, 6th Element Building, extended Nguyen Van Huyen street, Xuan La ward, Tay Ho district, Hanoi city, Vietnam

Miichisoft Vietnam

(+84) 246-2955-974



Number of employees: 180

Number of employees: 15

Please read and confirm the handling of personal information
before making any inquiries.

dxGAI Chatbot



dxGAI Chatbot


「個人情報の取り扱いについて」 に同意します。

dxGAI Chatbot


「個人情報の取り扱いについて」 に同意します。

dxGAI Chatbot


Please read and confirm the handling of personal information before making any inquiries.